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The Power of Generosity

 Grab a handful of pennies, everyone!

We are going to try to a little experiment. We are passing around two baskets of pennies and would like for everyone to grab a small handful. Once everyone has a handful, I would like you to stand up and try to double your pennies. It should be easy, you give someone one penny, and they will give you two pennies back. The two guidelines, is you can't offer a penny to the one who just gave you two pennies and the same person twice. This means you have to move around a little. The second guideline is you always have to receive an offered penny and give two away. OK, everyone have handful, do a quick count of the pennies in your hand. Tell your spouse or someone near you so you remember. I will give you three minutes to try to get as many pennies as you can. Any questions? READY, SET, GO!

STOP! Everyone can go back to their assigned seating. Count your pennies. Did anyone double their pennies, anyone run out? If we did this right, almost everyone should have the same number of pennies that they started with. If you gave everyone a penny and everyone gave you a penny, you would have the same number of pennies. Not quite magic but underscores when we work to give and are open to receive, we usually have enough. 

How much to you think a silver piece was worth back then? More than a penny? ... It was worthy six month ways, so imagine, John asks us to imagine that 200 silver pieces which was 100 years worth of wages wouldn't be enough. Bruce, (who is retired chef), how many people could you feed with a hundred years worth of wages? We are planning on feeding around 150 people on Thanksgiving, the budget is about $1,200 compared to about $6 million dollars, that would feed who whole country of Palestine for a day, maybe two. I would also point out that the Gospel of Mark mentions the green grass which Matthew, Luke, and John follow to remind us of Jesus as the good shepherd in the 23rd Psalm, making them lie down in green pastures preparing a table before us. Another thing I find strange is that we have to food besides five loaves and two fish, but somehow women brought their Tupperware, I mean baskets to have them filled. 

Here we are, people, about five thousand coming to Jesus from the surrounding villages and farms, attracted by the miracles of Jesus. This gospel doesn't say that Jesus taught or healed, he just immediately had them sit down to feed them. You can't learn anything on an empty stomach our state has learned. So where do they get the food in this rural place without a Costco or Superfood One? A boy, a child takes the food that his mother prepared for the family and offers it to Andrew who brings it to Jesus, though he is pretty skeptical, saying "it's just a drop in the bucket for a crowd like this"(The Message). Jesus blesses and breaks, blesses and distributes, blesses and everyone eats their fill. The crowds have received another sign, only one of seven in the Gospel of John. They want to make Jesus king, but he slips away, preferring to be about God's business or kingdom.

There are many churches that preach the 'prosperity gospel' that for everyone dollar you give to God (or the church) God will give you two. I had a friend whose sister went to Joel Olsteen's church and told her brother that she had to give a big donation to his church so that she will get the big promotion at her church that she wants. 

Now, on the face of it, it may seem that I am promoting that with our exercise with the magic pennies. There was slogan to 'give until is hurts'. A wise pastor I know quoted Paul that we should give not until it hurts but until we are filled with joy! I believe, I believe that our giving should not just give us double, but we will receive triple-fold. First, we give for our church's mission and ministry that comes in the form of a budget. We continue to have a place and space to be the church. Second, the community is blessed because we are here. I hope that you have been to our website and seen the testimonials under the Power of Generosity about how people and organizations are blessed because this church, because you are here and offer a safe and open place for people to be healed, to learn, to grow, and to be fed. And the third, I hope, is the joy we feel, we have in seeing the difference we are making, not just keeping an empty building so we can worship on Sundays. Is this true? Is this right? Do you feel joy when you heard Kris Hedstrom last week? 

Giving to this church is multiplying the loaves and fishes so that people across the county may be fed throughout the year, not just on Thanksgiving. Giving to this church is multiplying the groups that can have a safe place to meet and kids a safe place to play and people a safe place to come. Giving to this church is multiplying the gospel, not by standing on the street corner, though many of us have in our protests and rallies just down the hill, but proclaiming justice for the oppressed, freedom for the prisoners, relief for the poor and the immigrant, and life for those who live under violence. 

The power of generosity in this church is not just about us, those in this church or those who look like us, it is about God's kingdom, kindom, and those who don't have. It is about a better place for all and a better world for everyone. Every single child of God! Amen?  Amen. 


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