There are literal storms around the world that are flooding cities, producing tornadoes, and creating havoc. There are political storms around the world as authoritarian movements are on the rise. There are societal storms as we continue to push for the liberation of all people and the push back trying to erase minorities' identity and history. There are religious storms as the church is no longer in the center of society and adaptation is needed as traditional theology no longer speaks to most people as does traditional models of church.
In these storms, we wish that Jesus would awaken and silence them all. However, Jesus also tells us that with faith, we can have an impact as well. This morning, let us take time to find that silence and peace in our own hearts, minds, bodies, and souls and in this body of Christ. I invite us onto the cushion with Jesus, not to nap, but to be at peace.
10 minutes of silence
May the peace of God fill us up so we can offer it to the world this day. Amen.
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