(This sermon will not be done with any spoken words, but rather with use of body percussion and singing. Please imagine sitting in a circle or a sanctuary.)
Start rubbing hands together to create wind and gets louder as it grows from left to right. Once all are wind, allow the sound to wash over them.
Have some rows snap their fingers slowly at first to imitate rain. Just enough so people are aware.
Have one row simulate small thunder as they slap their thighs. Have last 10 seconds. Go back to snapping.
Have those on right side still rubbing hands start to clap for harder rain. Listen for about 30 seconds.
Have left side slap thighs for loud thunder. Last 20 seconds...
Have left side rub hands while right side is clapping. Allow the sound to wash over everyone.
Have right side clapping side go back to snapping. Rain is lightening up.
Have one row simulate small thunder as they slap their thighs. Last about 10 seconds.
Have right side go to back to rubbing hands. Let wind wash over us...
Have far left become silent and let the silence become louder until it reaches the right side.
Sit in silence.... 2 minutes
Sing the Alleluia chorus from All that Dwells below the Skies (5 Alleluias) repeat
Sit in silence... 2 minutes
Have right side pick up Hymn Book and scratch to simulate trees rustling. Let sound wash over.
Have left side slowly rub hand to again simulate wind. Let the sound blend.
Whistle or imitate a bird, try to encourage others to join in. Roughly two minutes, try not to get too wild.
Croak like a frog at a pond and encourage others to join the chorus. Let it be brief.
Go back to just the wind and trees. Let it wash over us.
Silence for 2 minutes
Sing Leonard Cohen's Alleluia chorus (repeat)
Fade to Silence
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