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 What a great time we had at Loaves and Hotdishes on Wednesday night! There was lots of great food, conversations, and the ambience was exquisite. I think at our next one, we should include foot washing for the guests who come. Who is willing to be a host? Who would be finding an excuse not to come because they would have to let someone else wash their feet? Back in the day, in Jesus' time, there really wasn't shoes as we have them today, much less socks, so feet would get dirty. And it was hard to hide them under the table because most homes didn't have table and chairs, everyone sat on the ground, sometimes supported by cushions, and your feet were a lot closer and to be seen by everyone. And in that culture, the host wasn't responsible for washing their guests feet, so everyone can relax. No free person washed another free persons feet, they may be attended by their own slave or servant, but mostly they washed their own. But it was the hosts job to offer water for th...
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